Limestone also improves soil structure by stimulating biological activity in the soil. It breaks down slowly in the soil, so it takes a while to work. In Burgundy, Vosne-Romanée is noted for producing the world’s most acclaimed Pinot Noir on clay …Limestone doesn’t change the pH immediately and if your soil requires a lot, we do two applications. This limestone is of organic origin as is most limestone.In Rioja and Ribera del Duero, Spain the highest quality Tempranillo vineyards grow on limestone-rich clay soils. Fossiliferous Limestone is a sedimentary rock containing calcium carbonate. It is extremely porous, permeable, soft and friable. Chalk is usually white or light gray in color. passes of marlstone limestone 392,27 70 27 Massive shortened limestone with rare passes of marlstone limestone 392,27 56 28 Very kaolinizated andesite, very cracked 196,13-294,20 37Chalk is a variety of limestone composed mainly of calcium carbonate derived from the shells of tiny marine animals known as foraminifera and from the calcareous remains of marine algae known as coccoliths. Organic clay of low plasticity OL 5 15 19,61 49,03 Dust (silt) of medium plasticity MI 5 15 19,61 49,03 Clay of medium plasticity CI 3 14 29,42 68,65. 1606 Volume 52, NumAPPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 0003-7028/ 98/5212-1606$2.00/0 q1998 Society for Applied Spectroscopy Origin of Limestone Fluorescence* JOSEPH R.